Dearborn Denim is an apparel brand where everything is cut, sewn, and crafted at their factory in Chicago using U.S. materials. They contacted Pochis Bank Art Studio in order to create hand-painted signage for their brick and mortar store located at 1504 E. 53rd St. in Hyde Park.
These hand-painted badges are a mix of logos and branding that illustrates their story. Upon entry, the first studio project customers will see is the “DEARBORN DENIM & APPAREL” logo on their wooden checkout desk. Studio artists achieved the distressed look of the font by applying the paint with sponges so that the letters would not be solidly filled in.
Hand-painted badges surround the shop, including two that define Dearborn: a “MADE IN CHI” sign as a nod to their Chicago factory and another sign indicating that their materials are grown in Texas, woven in Georgia, and sewn right here in Illinois. The studio was happy to execute these designs that represent Dearborn’s commitment to quality. The last project studio artists painted was a badge that reads, “HEMMED WHILE YOU HANG.” One of our favorite things about Dearborn Denim is that they offer a free custom hem on each pair of jeans—and they can do it in the store in just a few hours!