Crime Stoppers Case Files Chicago
Did you spot any of our chalk badges around the city? On May 30th, Nancy Pochis Bank Art Studio drove all over Chicago chalking notable street corners with the outline of a dead body to promote the TV show Crime Stoppers Case Files Chicago that works in conjunction with the Chicago Police Department to solve actual crimes. Over 13 hours, we created 21 chalk badges all around the city. The show airs Saturdays at 11 pm on My50 Chicago. Be sure to tune in! We had a lot of fun planning and executing this project, so photo from all of our stops can be seen on our Facebook page and Instagram. Search #cscfchicago on Instagram and Twitter to see additional posts about spotting of our chalk badges.

Also, check out this cool time lapse video of Nancy and intern Grace Brandt in action in front of the Garrett Popcorn Shop on Jackson Blvd